
Thursday, 26 August 2010

रैंचो का स्कूल

          लेह में बादल फटा परिणामस्वरूप आयी बाढ़ ने भीषण तबाही मचाई ! काफी लोग मारे गए और कई गुना बेघर हो गए ! मनुष्य बहुत जुझारू प्राणी है! जिन्दा रहने की जबरदस्त चाह उसे फिर से खड़ा होने लायक कर देती है ! हुआ भी यही ! कुछ राहत कार्य और थोड़ा सा सरकारी मरहम, ये लीजिये आ गयी जिंदगी की गाड़ी फिर से पटरी पर ! इस बीच अखबारों में ख़बरें भी काफी आयीं, टीवी वालों ने भी पूरे मसाले डाल कर संवाददाताओं की आवाज़ में रहस्य और रोष के मिश्रण के साथ संवेदनहीन होते जा रहे श्रोताओं की आत्मा को झकझोरने की कोशिश की ! एक खबर और थी, जो कभी-कभी इस विपदा से भी बड़ी बना कर पेश की गयी वो थी 'रैंचो का स्कूल बहा' ! सैंकड़ों मकान पानी में बह गए थे, स्कूल की वो इमारत, जिसे 3इडियट्स फिल्म में रैंचो के स्कूल के रूप में दिखाया गया था, भी उन में से एक थी ! मुझे भी इस खबर में आम ख़बरों से ज्यादा रूचि तो थी पर इतनी तवज्जो मैंने नहीं दी कि इस पर एक पोस्ट ही लिख डालूँ ! बहरहाल आज सुबह एक नर्सरी स्कूल के सामने से गुजर रहा था तो मैंने देखा कि सुबह कि प्रार्थना में तीन से दस साल के बच्चों को लाइन में खड़ा कर के प्रिंसिपल साहिबा कुछ बड़ी-बड़ी बातें समझा रहीं थीं ! वो बातें समझने के लिए मुझे भी कुछ देर रुकना पड़ा ! मुझे नहीं लगा कि बच्चों के पल्ले कुछ पड़ा होगा ! छोटे बच्चों के स्कूल में सुबह की प्रार्थना में बच्चों को लाइन में लगा कर भाषणबाजी करना मुझे कभी समझ नहीं आया ! पता नहीं क्यूँ बच्चों को हम उन कि भाषा में न समझा कर वही घिसे पिटे तरीकों में फसें हुए हैं ! पढाई को रुचिकर बनाने की बजाय उबाऊ बनाने का काम हम बचपन में ही शुरू कर देते हैं ! और सब से ज्यादा बुरा हाल तो पब्लिक स्कूलों का है ! ये लोग अभिभावकों से पैसा एंठने में तो सदा ही तत्पर रहते हैं पर पढ़ाने के नाम पर इन के पास अक्सर अप्रशिक्षित या अल्प प्रशिक्षित अध्यापक होते हैं ! जो किताबों के बोझ तले बच्चों को दबाये रखते हैं पर पढ़ाई के नाम पर शून्य ! ये समझने की जरूरत न जाने कब महसूस की जाएगी की छोटे बच्चों के लिए बाल-मनोविज्ञान में भली भांति प्रशिक्षित अध्यापक रखे जाएँ जो बच्चों को रट्टू तोता बनाने की बजाय उन में मौजूद विधाओं को निखारें ! 
        प्रिंसिपल साहिबा का रुचिकर भाषण मुझे उबाऊ लगा और मेरे कदम आगे की ओर  बढ़ गए ! मुझे अफ़सोस है कि रैंचो का स्कूल बह गया !

Wednesday, 25 August 2010


        This will not be the first time when eyebrows will be raised over my views. I don’t believe in making sensations but few people sometimes feel uneasy on my views.
        Other day I had a debate with a net-friend of mine over conversion. She is from St. Lucia which is a beautiful island country in the Caribbeans and some of the matches of recently concluded T-20 world cup were held there. As per a survey the people of St. Lucia are the happiest in the world. My friend seemed very much worried about the condition of Dalits in India. She asked me why we do not improve it. I asked her if what her sources of information were. She said that she heard some missionaries talking about this. I told her the cause of worry, nowadays, is not untouchablity but the missionaries. I told her how so many Christian missionaries are indulged in the conversion on large scale on the pretext of education and social service. She made her point that wat’s wrong in spreading one’s religion. And I wanted to convey her, wat’s wrong in a social service with out conversion. Finally she gave up after a long discussion. I don’t know if she was convinced, dint want to pull it further or she dint have any more point to debate.
        I believe all religions are equal. And, I think, there is only one religion, humanity, and rest all are reforms. We name them any thing but the conclusion is, they want to say almost same thing. Still there is a race to pull more and more people under their banner by some religions.
        The question is why only poor and backward people are mostly converted? And answer is very simple! So called messengers of God penetrate deep into these people, ofcourse they serve them, educate them, provide medical facilities but wat’s the cost! They make them to embrace their religion. This is a social service or the service for conversion; is it very difficult to conclude! And there have been many incidents where people have been lured to convert. Why a social service can not be done without disturbing ones religious orientation? This can not be disputed that these conversions have disturbed social harmony in many parts of India.
        Other day I happened to meet a guy, who does the job of a sweeper and has old acquaintance with me. I saw a cross round his neck and I asked if he had converted. He confirmed, I saw a sort of contempt in his eyes. I asked if he found some change. He didn’t have answer. I didn’t find any change in his condition. He still was wearing same type of clothes; his complexion was still tanned, his teeth were still stained with gutkha and he still was doing the same job, of a sweeper. I am sure, he never read Gita and nor Bible and one who converted him was not bothered to do so. He just added one more ‘disciple of true faith’. That’s the achievement! Wat’s the use! Religion means morality. And it has become rare, be it any religion. I am yet to find a person who did lot of studies in his original religion and in that he converted into. I would certainly appreciate the person.
        The condition of Dalits has indeed been bad. But the things have changed a lot and are still changing. I have many Dalit friends who never converted and nor they have contempt in their eyes. Is the key to improve a poor’s condition is conversion? Why do not these missionaries serve people without the greed of converting them? Why, after all, one should convert a person to improve his condition? Do not these conversions result in to a separate class of people? Why is human society so willing to create divide rather than to unite. Take Hinduism so many offshoots like Jainism, Buddhism, Sikhs, Shaivites, Vaishnavas etc, Muslims as Shias, Sunnis, Ahmedias, Alawite, Ismailis, Bohras, Druze and so on, Christians like Catholics, Roman Catholics, Anglicans, Protestants, Restorationists etc, Sikhs like Khalsas, Ramgarias, Nirankaris, Nam-Dharis and more. So many faiths, so many conversions. Great personalities take birth to cleanse society, not to create divide. But their followers fail to understand this fact and they take on the path of division, establish themselves as a separate faith. And then begins the race of conversion.
        Now tell me, religion unites or breaks!

Sunday, 22 August 2010


         Two weeks back I was travelling by a train in general compartment. The compartment was full as usual. Some CRPF personnel, in uniform, were also there. One of these police man was drunk. He was not letting sit, any one, on the berth meant for five persons and usually 7-8 passengers, accommodate there. I tried to sit there but he pushed me aside. I saw, cops carried arms with them. I thought may be for the safety of the arms they were not allowing any one. Another passenger, incidentally an army man, sitting on the side seat, accommodated me. After some time I discovered from the fallow passengers that he was misbehaving with everyone. His fellow police men tried to calm him down but he would listen none. There after he was boosting himself that he is not scared if someone goes to even home minister, and he would go his own way. His behaviour was utterly disgusting.
         I don’t know how many of these policemen and their top brass realise that the biggest challenge before security forces, today, is neither terrorism nor naxalism but to win the trust of public, be it Lalgarh or the streets of Srinagar, sooner we realise and take required steps; lesser we take time to solve problems at domestic fronts. The incidents like this certainly diminish the image of an organisation which largely works between people. A misdeed by a man in uniform brings a black spot to the organisation, he belongs to. Two days after the incident, I read about the killing of a few CRPF personnel by Maoists and I realised that I dint feel the pain as strongly as I used to feel earlier.

Wednesday, 18 August 2010

भोर नहीं क्यों हुआ आज

                     भोर नहीं क्यों हुआ आज, भानु नहीं क्या उठा आज !

नहीं चमकी क्यों रेशमी किरणें, हरे-हरे पत्तो से छन कर !
नहीं निकले पंक्ति बद्ध पक्षी, मेरी छत के ऊपर से !
नहीं चली है पवन भी ठंडी, मेरे तन को छू कर के !
नहीं चमकी क्यों ओस की बूँदें इन्द्रधनुषी रंगों से आज !
                    भोर नहीं क्यों हुआ आज, भानु नहीं क्या उठा आज !

मीठे बोल कानों से हो कर साँसों में क्यों नहीं घुले !
जागो उठो मुझे कहने को सुन्दर होठ भी नहीं हिले !
भूल गएँ हैं शायद ये भी, नए फूल जो नहीं खिले !
वहाँ झाड़ियों के झुरमुट में मोर नहीं क्यूँ ठुमका आज !
                   भोर नहीं क्यों हुआ आज, भानु नहीं क्या उठा आज !

कोयल न कूकी, मुर्गा न बोला, चिड़िया भी चहचाई नहीं !
टन-टन करती धवल गायें, नहीं गयी जंगल की ओर !
सूनी-सूनी लगती बस्ती, नहीं मचा पनघट पर शोर !
इकलौती बुलबुल बस बोली भोर नहीं क्यूँ हुआ आज !
                  भोर नहीं क्यों हुआ आज, भानु नहीं क्या उठा आज !

Sunday, 15 August 2010


     Daily civilians and police clash in the streets of Srinagar. Naxalites are becoming more and more deadly. The home minister of a rich state is in prison, facing the charges of extortion and killing his own aid in extortion and murders and the danger of arrest is looming large on the chief minister of the state, who is seen as the avtar of Hindu ideology and future prime minister. A tribal chief minister of another state has amassed property of more than 500 crores. Rampant corruption in govt offices, where even the peon has stopped recognising the100 Rs note and not willing to hold less than 500. Common Soldiers’ are supplied with rotten food and the top brass is found involved in the scam. A world level sports meet is being conducted in the country and before the show we Indians show the colours of greed and corruption! And mehangaayi dayan khaaye jaat hai!
         “Happy Independence Day” In morning someone wished me, I smiled and greeted back, but what independence, I thought, situation everywhere is grim. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is optimist about everything. I consider myself a very positive person, then why I am not hopeful, I thought. I thought about the bridges, rail network and buildings constructed by British, They are still intact but what our people make! What we did with the freedom! Are we really free! Were not those white oppressors were better than these black ones. What is the difference! Those took our resources to Britain and these take our money to the banks in Switzerland. What happened to our freedom! This was the thing our freedom fighters fought for! Who is responsible for all wrong which went? We all! As we bribe to get our work done. We don’t cast our votes instead we caste it, religion it or region it. We don’t participate in elections as candidate. We don’t resist when hooligans make mockery of democracy by blocking roads and burning public property.
    Oh things are endless..... So I say on this republic day is not happy independence day.... but SAVE INDEPENDENCE .

                                             JAI HIND

Wednesday, 4 August 2010


दूर क्षितिज में,
घटाओं के केश,
नितम्बों पर फैलाये,
धरती इठलाई!

यादों के बीज,
छुपे थे जो माटी के मन में,
नव अंकुर को आतुर,दौड़े बाहें पसारे,
स्वागत में बरखा रानी के!

मोती सी बूंदों का,
प्यासी धरती से मिलन हुआ,
तन गीला, मन पुलकित,
महका रोम-रोम अनछुआ!

बांटने लगी उपहार वर्षा,
जहाँ जो भी मिला,
किसान को प्राण,
कोयल को मिठास,

आसमान को सतरंग,
मोर को ताल,
चकोर को तृप्ति,
मैंने पूछा, मेरे लिए क्या लायी हो?

छू गयी मेरे कान को,
एक बूँद ऐसे,
नाजुक होंठ किसी ने,
छुए हों जैसे!