
Thursday, 28 October 2010


        Major general (retired) Afsar Kareem has written many books and writes regular columns in Hindi and English. Once somebody made fun of him while he was abroad, with a delegation and called him that he was a ‘hindu-muslim’. Mr Kareem did not object and agreed that he was a Hindu-Muslim. Kareem has written that Muslims of India were never fundamentalists. I agree with Mr Kareem, before the seeds of hatred sown by the British in the form of creation of Muslim league and division between Muslim and Hindu, people of both the religion stayed together in harmony. Though many Muslim rulers destroyed and plundered Hindu temples but tolerant Hindu society imbibed the Muslims into it.
           India has always tolerated foreign intrusion starting from Aryans to Scathians-Kushanas to Afghan-Turks-Mongols to Mughals and British. It is a historical fact that Hindu temples were destroyed and Muslim structures were created on their place. Leave Babri Masjid aside there are so many, like Quwwat al-Islam Masjid at Qutub complex and Dhai-din-ka-Jhhonpra in Ajmer, live examples of these destructions since the material used in these monuments is taken from destructed Hindu Temples. Other then these monuments, Mansuri Masjid at Vijapur in Gujrat, Masjid at Manvi in Karnataka , Mausoleum of Shykh Abdullah Shah Changal at Dhar in Madhya Pradesh, Jami' Masjid at Malan in Gujrat, Jami' Masjid at Amod in Gujrat, Shrine of Shah Madar at Narwar in Mdhya Pradesh, Hamman Darwaza Masjid at Jaunpur in Uttar Pradesh, Jami Masjid at Ghoda in Maharashtra, Gachinala Masjid in Kurnool District of Andhra Pradesh. (Source http://www.flex.com/~jai/satyamevajayate/temple4.html) I am sure no common man wanted the destruction; neither Hindu nor Muslim, rather religious frenzy invaders did that. But Mother India adopted the sons of foreign soil and they mixed with her other sons. But not all Muslim came from Steppes, Afghanistan, Turkey or Iran but majority of them were the sons of soil. Millions Hindus were converted, forcibly and willingly, they started professing the new religion But they always remained tolerant. They celebrated Eid but they never forgot the lights of Diwali. If Hindus like Raja Todarmal, Man Singh and Birbal Served in Mughal army then Hakim Khan Sur and Ibrahim Gardi were the generals of Maharana Pratap and Marathas respectively. Abdul Rahim Khan-e-Khana, popularly known as Rahim, was a Muslim, but a great devotee of Lord Krishna. He belonged to the Bhakti period and wrote couplets in Hindi in praise of Lord Krishna. Raskhan was a Hindi poet who was both a Muslim and follower of Lord Krishna. Does the work of Saint Kabir Das need any introduction!
               I read so many reactions on the judgment, common Hindu and Muslim have welcomed the judgment though the so called leaders are not happy, as they don’t want Ayodhya Issue to die. They are like those invaders who, for the sake of the expansion of their empire, made the gullible soldiers to die on the name of religion. But common Muslim of India is still same, tolerant!!!!

Thursday, 7 October 2010

वादा तेरा वादा

लालू ने छात्रों से चुनावी वादा किया है कि यदि उन कि पार्टी सत्ता में आती है तो उन्हें मोटर साइकिलें दी जाएँगी! पर लालू जी ये तो बताइए कि पेट्रोल कौन देगा उन्हें! या फिर ये अगले चुनाव का वादा रहेगा! इस देश में सब कुछ हो गया वो भी जिस का डर था कि नहीं हो पायेगा जैसे कि कोमन वेल्थ खेल और वो भी जिसे नहीं होना चाहिए था जैसे कि जाति आधारित जनगणना! हुआ नहीं तो ये कि पशुओं को वोट देने का अधिकार न मिला ! वरना क्या मजाल कि कोई उन का चारा  ऐसे ही खा जाता! और यही लालू जी उन्हें मुफ्त चारा देने कि बात कर रहे होते! वैसे भी लालू जैसे नेताओं के लिए इन्सान और जानवरों में बस इतना फर्क है कि एक वोट डाल सकता है और दूसरे का वोट ही नहीं! एक का चारा वादा कर के खा जाओ और दूसरे का बिना वादा किये ही हज़म कर जाओ!

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

ओ यारो इंडिया बुला लिया

आखिर कोमन वेल्थ  खेल गिर-पड़ के शुरू हो ही गए! हम हिन्दुस्तानी हर चीज में फायदा ढूँढने की कोशिश करते हैं! खेलों की तैयारी की तो क्या बिसात हमारे देश में तो लोग शहीदों के कफ़न में ही दलाली खा कर डकार गए! लोग डरे बैठे थे कि अब तो दुनिया में हमारी छीछालेदर हो कर ही रहेगी पर लगता है इस देश को सचमुच ही भगवान चला रहे हैं! जो टी वी वाले आयोजकों को चोर कहते नहीं थकते थे और उन्हें सुबह शाम पानी पी-पी  कर कोसते थे वही उद्घाटन समारोह को देख कर निहाल हुए जा रहे थे! सचमुच समारोह भव्य था! अद्भुत और खूबसूरत! पर मेरी समझ में थीम सॉन्ग नहीं आया! ए आर रहमान का संगीत ऊँची दुकान फीका पकवान जैसा लगा! अगर बात  ए आर रहमान की चल ही निकली है तो  'जय हो' भी मेरी समझ से बाहर था! मुझे कभी-कभी लगता है कि मुझे संगीत की बिलकुल समझ नहीं! पर न जाने क्यों मैं समझता हूँ कि अगर जय हो को ऑस्कार मिल सकता है तो पचास, साठ और सत्तर के दशक के हर गाने को मिलना चाहिए! हमारे देश के संगीत की अपनी पहचान है और जब कलात्मक या कर्ण प्रिय संगीत की बात होती है तो दुनिया हमारी और देखती है! और एक हम हैं की पुरुस्कार जीतने की होड़ में अपने संगीत को भुला कर उस कान फोड़ू शोर को संगीत समझ लेते हैं जिस से परेशान हो कर अनगिनित विदेशी हमारी संस्कृति और संगीत की और खिंचे चले आते हैं! हाँ मैं भी चाहता हूँ कि पूरी दुनिया हमारी प्रतिभा और विरासत का लोहा माने पर उस के लिए हम क्यों अपने माप दंड बदलें! अगर हम पुरुस्कारों की चाह में पश्चिम के पीछे अंधे हो कर दौड़ते रहे तो बेशक कुछ 'जय हो' ऑस्कर जैसे पुरुस्कार जीत जाएँ पर अपने यहाँ होने वाले उन कार्यक्रमों में जिन में हमारी संस्कृति की छाप दिखनी चाहिए 'ओ यारो इंडिया बुला लिया' जैसा बेहूदा संगीत ही पेश कर पाएंगे!

Monday, 4 October 2010


         I have written about 350.org in my earlier post. This is an NGO working towards bringing carbon emission to 350 PPM which is considered as safe limit of carbon emission by scientists. The organisation has set 10 October 2010 a date as Global Work Party. People all around the world will be doing different things. I have received a mail from the President of Maldives, a country threatened by drowning due to rise in sea level as a result of global warming. He is installing solar panel on his roof. The mail is being reproduced here:-

Dear friends,
As President of one of the world's most climate vulnerable countries, I want to thank you for your tireless work and offer my wholehearted support for the Global Work Party on 10/10/10.
I shall be working hard in support of 10/10/10, up on my roof installing solar panels donated by Sungevity. But my event is just one of dozens of activities planned in the Maldives and thousands worldwide in support of this campaign.
I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to continue working to ensure that the planet meets the sustainable goal of returning CO2 concentrations to 350ppm.
For the Maldives, 350 is more than just a number: it is a passport to survival for our entire nation.
With best wishes,

President Mohamed Nasheed
President of the Maldives

      There are things which people are doing worldwide. Some of interesting events are here for your eyes. Please read them and tell what are you doing on 10/10/10 do combat global warming and keep earth safe and pass it on to coming generations as safe as our forefathers did for us.

10/10/10 Event Highlights
Funniest: Sumo wrestlers cycling to practice in downtown Tokyo.
Most remote: An education center in the Namib Desert in Namibia installing six solar panels.
Smallest country taking part: Divers on the smallest island nation of the world, Nauru (8.1 square miles) will plunge into their coral reefs for an underwater clean-up.
Most presidential: President Mohamed Nasheed of the Maldives is installing solar panels on his roof.
Most tipsy: Partiers in Edinburgh will be throwing a "Joycott" (a reverse boycott) at a local bar that agreed to put 20% of its extra revenues on 10/10/10 to making the bar more energy efficient. Attendees will try and drink as much as possible to raise money. Cheers!
Most poignant: In San Pedro Garza Garcia, Mexico, students will hand out solar-powered lights to families who are still recovering from the devastation of Hurricane Alex this June, 2010.
Most cross-cultural: Over 100 cyclists from Jordan, Israel and Palestine taking part in a 3-day bicycle relay to carry water from the Yarmouk River and the Sea of Galilee to the Dead Sea to symbolize the need for cooperation to stop climate change and save precious water resources.
Most educational: 850 universities in China, India, and the United States are joining 10/10/10 as part of the Great Power Race campaign, a clean energy competition.
Most carbon cut: On 10/10/10 the Mayor of Mexico City will sign a commitment to reduce the city's emissions 10% in a single year. The city government will be directly responsible for 5% of the reductions and lead a public campaign to get citizens to cut the remaining 5%.
Most futuristic: Young people in Barbados will be demonstrating the viability of fuel cell technology in a hovercraft they have built themselves.

So what are you doing on 10/10/10

Saturday, 2 October 2010

Ayodhya Issue & Gandhi ji

Baapu’s birth anniversary coincides with the Allahbad High Court judgment on Ayodhya dispute. I wonder what would have been Bapu’s reaction on the judgment. Justice SU Khan, one of the three judges who delivered the judgment on Ayodhya dispute said in his judgment "Indian Muslims have also inherited huge legacy of religious learning and knowledge. They are, therefore, in the best position to tell the world the correct position. Let them start with their role in the resolution of the conflict at hand." What justice Khan said is about sacrifice. Ahimsa of Mahtma Gandhi was nothing but sacrifice. His teachings are his experience. Some people criticize him for his words but before commenting on Gandhi one should study about him. Whatever he said first he experimented with it. He always talked about change of hearts and he adivised to do so even in case of external threats to the countries. His fasts were to clean the hearts of people. But most probably Mahtma would have appealed to Hindus to leave their claim on the site. But today justice Khan has appealed Muslims to do that Bapu’s soul must be happy to see that.


       On Thursday, when whole nation was waiting for the Allahbad High Court’s judgment on Ayodhya dispute, a colleague said that the court permitted the construction of temple and mosque but above four feet from the ground. The healthy humour was a thing to think about the dirty politics played on the name of religion. No politician wants it to resolve, neither Hindu nor Muslim. What if this issue is solved and they will have to think about other lesser important issues like poverty, corruption, unemployment, education etc! Politicians like Adwani rediscovered India in his rath to Built Ram trample but took no step to solve the matter when he was deputy prime minister. What if this happens his career will be ruined, his only rakhwala is Ram. But thanks to the High Court it was a masterpiece of judgment. It was like none won and none lost. It is a well known fact that innumerable mosques were constructed after destruction of temples by many Muslim rulers and converted millions of people into Islam. Thus Muslim religion with hues of Hinduism rooted deeply in India. The court realised this and gave everyone its share. The judgment of the Court did not leave much place for the politicians to play dirty games. It was an intelligent step to accept this judgment and not to go to the Supreme Court but alas! it was not done. Had it been taken the livelihood of many so called leaders would have gone. In fact this judgment was more for peace and harmony than the justice and the requirement of the former is more than the later.
        It is heartening to find that the VHP has accepted the judgment ‘in national interest’ but, ironically, leaders are not happy with the judgment. The Shahi Imam feels betrayed by the judgment and is sure to be betrayed by the Supreme Court as well. This is the story of ‘fundamentalists’. Now let’s have a look on the ‘seculars’. What Mulayam has to say have a look “The Muslims in the country are feeling cheated by the verdict and there is a sense of despair in the entire community.” This is the same Mulayam Singh Yadav who claims to be secular. This politically, motivated statement is not only ill timed but ill intended. For this gentleman being secular is pulling Muslim votes in his favour. This is his version of secularism. Mr Yadav you are trying to construct Samjwadi party’s head quarters on the disputed site but remember to leave four feet space from ground.