
Saturday 27 February, 2010

human behaviour....... so complex!!!

       A section of society was judged as untouchable by the other section, millenniums back. Another section of society was judged as backward by a commission appointed by a so called democratic society. Now these “Untouchables” and “Backwards” are taking a sort of revenge from the “Highs or Forwards” as they have been oppressed for thousands of years. Funny…… no! A man rarely lives for 100 yrs nowadays and the revenge goes to thousands years. How can the young generations forget that their forefathers (and not they) were oppressed by the high classes of ‘forwards’? Very good man remembers history very well.
       A section of society was forcefully converted in to Islam some hundreds yrs back by some bigot rulers who believed they are following order of God. Another section of society was lured with money, hospitals and English education by missionaries and converted in to Christianity. And the converters believed that they are obeying the order of God. The young generation does not want to remember, what is similarity between Basher Batt and Balram Batt, Shahid Bhati and Satish Bhati, Michel Marandi and Mahesh Marandi or Pradeep James and Pradeep Kumar!! Very good man forgets history so soon.
       Human behavior, so complex……..isn’t it!!!!!!!!

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